22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Realistic Expectations

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Slowly and painfully, we are learning that realistic expectations of winning the battleagainst cluelessness, stupidity and greed in the short term, is unrealistic.

The Islamo-Lunatics have been waging their war against sanity, peace & tranquilitysince the seventh century. And they’ve yet to succeed although, given the recentprogress of the Muslim Brotherhood among today’s descendants of their originalclueless, stupid and greedy targets, they do seem to be on the right track.

We few, we band of Infidel Conservatives – we will continue to fight the battle againstObama and his nest of vipers, until they are totally crushed - - or we are.

As we noted at the outset of this ‘meandering’, this isn’t going to be a short war.Frankly, I don’t expect to see anything like total victory in my lifetime. There are simplytoo many bad guys and , ‘They’re everywhere; they’re everywhere!.” And while it isunfortunate, it is true - there appears to be a shortage of intelligence, courage and willto survive, among those who still remain free to control their own destiny.

And so, while acknowledging the sobering thought that victory though inevitable, is notas near as we might hope - we shall continue to plod forward in our battle against theseemingly overwhelming evil forces we face worldwide - and now, right here at home.

I have no intention of submitting to these bastards, regardless of how they presentthemselves or however they attempt to threaten or intimidate the clueless, the stupidand the greedy (the something-for-nothing crowd).

I am an American. I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That meanssomething. Barack Obama, his nest of vipers, the Muslim Brotherhood and theaforementioned bastards – they don’t stand for anything I believe in. They are liars andthey are evil to the core. They are doomed to failure. And I, along with many othertrue, patriotic Americans – are their ‘Doom-ees’. Got that?


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