14 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Last Ditch Resort

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If President Obama had to rely only on intelligent, hard working,responsible individuals for his re-election, he would lose.Why you often see him on David Letterman, Jay Leno, JimmyKimmel, Jon Stewart and The View, is to solicit the votes ofthe many idiots and morons who watch these shows.
They are easily manipulated and those types are often seen being inter-viewed by the shows mentioned above, clueless about currentissues and unable to identify their elected officials when shown aphotograph of them, but able to identify anyone on MTV, Dancingwith the Stars and music award shows. Many can't even point outour country on a map.

This is Obama's future America of imbeciles, caring more aboutcontraception devices, aborting their mistakes, getting somethingfor nothing and screwing up tradition, especially same sexmarriage, when they don't believe in marriage for themselves.The young misguided, feminist liberated woman wants the rightto choose, but most of their choices are bad and they want the taxpayer saddled with paying for their mistakes in the fictitious waragainst women. A real woman is too busy eking out a living orraising a family to participate in their nonsense.

President Obama's four years in office were padded with lies andhe's run out of them. He needs his zombies and gimmicks to hood-wink the uninformed to give him another four years of the same.The mainstream media is his, abetting this endeavor.

George Giftos

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