5 Ekim 2012 Cuma

''Venezuela’s electoral campaign closes with massive rallies''

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From Strategic Culture

''James Petras, professor emeritus of Sociology at Brighampton University told RT that given Chavez’s anti-US policies Washington would prefer Capriles as the “more malleable client.”“Along the line, both domestically and foreign policy-wise, President Chavez has been defining an alternative route for Latin America and has played a major role in lessening the US influence in the region,” said Petras. He added that this effectively meant the “exclusion of the United States.”
Citing Chavez’s promotion of the “redistribution of politics and the nationalizing of several important oil, petroleum and gas companies,” Petras said that the US and EU would like to “get rid of Chavez” because on many issues he is “on the other side of the political map.''
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