It has been announced, actually by President Obama himself, that when Israel’s PrimeMinister Netanyahu speaks, he (Obama) can hear ‘noise’ in his tin ear. So now, whenhis detractors try to characterize our President as, ‘Deaf & Dumb’ – they will only be halfright but still, half wrong.
Obama shares this medical condition with that other great and sensitive humanitarianworld leader, Ahmadinejad of Iran, who also hears ‘noise’ in his ear when Netanyahuspeaks. Isn’t that an ‘eary’ coincidence? Of course, since his ears are larger andprotrude farther from his head, the noise must be so much louder for the Anointed One.
More than likely, that is the real reason Obama chose to avoid a one-on-one meetingwith Netanyahu upon the occasion of the Prime Minister’s visit to the UN in New York.And instead, he met with the ladies of the ‘View’. He knows he can count on beingtreated like a hero in that venue, where he is also assured that, ‘no noise is good news’.
Is it too soon for President Obama to receive another Nobel Prize? This time, for amedical breakthrough in the field of Human Audionics? Viewed in one way, sincethis miraculous feat of hearing restoration was obviously achieved through his abilityto harness his own unique powers of intellect – Obama’s breakthrough might becalled, ‘An Immaculate Reception’.They promised he’d come back, didn’t they?
A MORT’s meanderings from the one and only MORT KUFF

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